Caring for ourselves at home

Taking care of ourselves is so important. One way we can nurture ourselves is by keeping our home environment safe and organized.

  • Do you have a cleaning schedule (dishes, laundry, floors, bedding, toilets)?
  • Are bills and budgets prioritized?
  • Have pets received the attention they deserve?
  • Are kids responsible for their belongings?
  • Are living areas free of hazards (cords, rugs, clutter)?
  • Is the cupboard stocked and meals planned?
  • Does anything need maintenance (furnace, leaking faucets, yard work)?

Home management involves a lot! In order to take care of ourselves the best we can we have a lot to consider. Time management is critical to cover everything. Also support of family involvement is key for a well functioning household. Let’s break these items down for ideas to consider.

1. Organize where items belong (ie. Room specific)

Ever find the kids clothes left in the living room? Having a hamper handy in bedrooms or a closet helps keep the laundry together. Kids can keep their belongings in their room. After activities, expect items to be picked up. I say, if you make a mess then clean it up. I don’t like making messes and try not to but it happens. Ever misplace a remote or keys? Put things in a certain place to make it easier to consistently find them.

2. Cleaning: Learning and Teaching

Cleaning is a task that needs to be done and sometimes feels like it never ends. Learning how to clean is a process. It depends on what you have for flooring and prefer for cleaners. Rugs can be hard to manage especially with kids or pets. Maybe you have a dishwasher or wash by hand. Raising children to help clean sets them up to know how and be self-sufficient as an adult. It can be hard sharing living spaces with others. Having respect for our possessions and being considerate are excellent qualities to develop. Don’t expect to clean the whole house all at once. A room a day can go a long way.

3. Money and Budget

Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Managing money can be very stressful! Knowing monthly expenses is a place to start. Keeping track of expenses throughout the year helps show where the money goes. Being able to save money is so important! I always say, don’t spend more than you make. I’m sure it seems like expenses are more than we actually earn. Being able to expect expenses and having the money to cover them before they are due will help save necessary fees and overdrafts. Managing money can be an eye opener to reduce unnecessary spending. Do you really need to visit drive throughs or more expensive convince stores?

4. Planning with Family

Getting everyone on board about household expectations is important because everyone should be involved. When chores are assigned then everyone knows the expectations. If you live alone, well you rule the roost. Maybe consider helping family at their home. Kids who do chores grow up to be more responsible adults. Keeping a schedule for family appointments, activities and special occasions is important to stay organized and everyone on the same page.

5. Time with Family

Work, sleep and home life? So much to consider! Time with family can be in or out of the home. Weather may dictate family activities. For everyone’s health, consider family time with physical activity. Sure, some time for cleaning is important but making quality time to be physically active whether it’s sports or other recreational activities are stimulating beyond everyday living.

6. Planning Meals

Do you keep a pantry stocked? What is the quality of foods you consume? Do you plan and prepare meals? If you don’t cook, have you tried to learn? So much information is available online for recipes and diet options. Everyone’s needs are different. A healthy guideline is to incorporate vegetables everyday! Too often we grab something quick and the food quality may be high in processed carbohydrates or artificial fats. These nutrients should not be consumed day after day! When poor quality foods are regularly consumed the building blocks of our body suffers. Our mood is even altered and we just don’t function adequately. Reaching for caffeinated beverages often with sugar will usually just set us up to crash. Explore nutrition and consult with your doctor for dietary recommendations.

7. Sorting Mail/Paperwork

Collecting the mail at a home box or post office on a regular basis is something that needs to be done. Some of us may get more/less than others. Sorting junk, bills, catalogs and important documents is essential for bill paying. Having the attitude that you will get to it, may not be in the best interest. Bills needs to be paid on time. Late payments usually charge fees. With organization, have files to keep paperwork arranged. Knowing where to find what you need and when you need it can help save a lot of time and frustration!

8. Laundry

A necessary evil. Keeping ourselves tidy goes a long way both personally and professionally. It can be a luxury to have laundry machines at home. Otherwise making time at the laundromat is an essential chore. Having sufficient clothes until you can do laundry is part of planning. Sorting clothes based on colors or soils helps the machines clean best. Do you use spot treatments? If you share machines with others try to be considerate. If doing laundry doesn’t fit in your schedule, recruit help.

9. Home Maintenance 

Whether you own or rent maintenance is inevitable. Faucets leak and furnace maintenance is essential. Keeping records of home maintenance can help us prepare for cost and scheduling needs. Sometimes we are able to take care of small fixes. Other times a professional may need to be asked. Knowing who serves your home can help build relationships. 


10. Yard work

This may or may not be a responsibility. Keeping walkways free of items helps prevent falls. Cleaning leaves will help the lawn grow. Yard work can be fun when adding plants to the landscape. Always get permission if you don’t own!

Your health matters at home, do you have what you need at home for warmth, clothing, food, hygiene products? Can you exercise at home? Is where you sleep comfortable? Your health is a priority and shouldn’t just be considered when something is wrong. Plan ahead for shopping and use lists. Get what you need and avoid unnecessary spending. Set up routines and schedules to accomplish tasks. If there is something you can’t do, find the support you need.

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