Coloring for the Vibrant Soul

Why is coloring good for you

Adult coloring has been a popular trend. The benefits contribute to positive mental health, creativity and motivation. Many coloring books have been featured on best seller lists. 

Psychologist recognize the act of coloring as an activity that one can be immersed in. This behavior can be rewarding for our senses by improving concentration and decreasing anxiety. With the use of fine motor skills, dexterity is maintain, which can be lost with aging. Feelings from childhood can also be rekindled allowing enlightenment.

The brain is activated, much like the sense of self and spirituality when coloring. Stress is reduced by focusing attention with repetitive activity. Also, the parts of the brain controlling both vision and creativity become activated such as when choosing different colors or types of coloring medium (e.g., paint vs. colored pencils).

A problem when adults think of coloring is inhibition. Adults may feel coloring is for kids or taking the time do it may be insignificant. But it’s not! Give it a try, the variety of colors represent happiness like envisioning a rainbow. You never know if you might strike that pot of gold.

Fill your heart with joy and rest as you silence your mind and engage in creativity. Coloring can come in a variety of topics, much like the different recipes in a cookbook. Search for what interests you. You can explore traveling through coloring, or whatever interests the grandchildren. This is your time, maybe an inspirational quote is needed to stay grounded.

You too, can find coloring uplifting, interesting and helpful. Let coloring amaze you!

Keywords: Healthy living, Anxiety, Adult coloring

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